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Published on 04/06/2021

Becoming a Mother

Upon graduating from a California high school, Nadya Suleman embarked on a journey to realize her adult dream of starting a family. She also wished to go to college like her peers, but Nadya believed that the essential thing in her life was to fulfill her dream of becoming a mother. She was really young (some even said she was too green for the world) when she finally got the thing she had always wanted – in a big way! When it comes to wanting something, everyone should be cautious.

Becoming a Mother

Becoming a Mother


Nadya’s First Love

Nadya Suleman met produce manager Marcos Gutierrez not soon before she turned 21. He must have had a lot of charisma because she felt an instant connection with him, one that grew deep and profound over time. Nadya was completely open with Gutierrez about her desire to be a mother. At first, Gutierrez also wanted children and was deeply in love with Nadya and vice versa, but the future had other ideas.

Nadya's First Love

Nadya’s First Love